Cyber attacks on private companies represent a serious threat that has increased significantly in recent years.
Global players are no longer the only targets of such attacks – small and medium-sized companies also have to reckon with a cyber attack at any time.
The dangers posed by such attacks are manifold and can have far-reaching consequences for companies, customers and society as a whole.

Protecting vital assets – groupios for small and medium-sized enterprises

Data loss and data breaches:

One of the most obvious risks of a cyberattack is the loss of sensitive company data and customers‘ personal information. This can lead to significant financial losses as companies can face fines and legal consequences.

Damage to reputation:

A successful cyber attack can shake customer confidence in a company.
The disclosure of data loss and data breaches can lead to significant reputational damage
that is difficult to difficult to recover from.

Financial losses:

The financial impact of cyber attacks is often significant.
In addition to the immediate costs of remediating security breaches and restoring operations,
companies can face significant losses due to the theft of funds or intellectual property.

Economic losses:

Cyberattacks can significantly impair a company’s ability to function. This can lead to significant financial losses, especially
if critical business processes are paralysed.

Long-term effects:

Cyberattacks on private sector companies can also have a significant impact on a country’s overall economy.
In certain cases, attacks can paralyse entire industries or jeopardise national security.


In some cases, cyber criminals blackmail companies by encrypting sensitive data and making ransom demands. This can lead to serious moral and legal dilemmas for the companies concerned.

Compliance breaches:

A cyberattack can cause organisations to breach data protection rules and regulations,
which can lead to additional legal problems.

Liability issues:

Companies that fail to invest adequately in their cybersecurity may find themselves exposed to legal liability,
especially if customers, suppliers or partners suffer damages.

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