An administrator’s time is precious, not least because of the omnipresent shortage of skilled labour.
Consequently, the highest possible efficiency has absolute priority in the area of user administration.

Perfectly networked – the multi-client capable central administration console

With groupios, the administrator has a complete overview of countless communication overview
of countless communication channels, branched hierarchies and complex structures.

With groupios, resources such as servers, storage and computing power can be efficiently allocated between different clients,
which can also be conveniently assigned their individual rights. Just a few clicks are enough
to create even widely branched, hierarchically organized structures.

In the multi-client system of groupios, the data of one client is completely isolated from the data of all others.
This means that one client cannot access the data of another, even if the same software instance is used.

Multi-client capability is also cost-efficient, as resources are shared and maintenance
and updates are only carried out once for all clients.

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